Friday, October 5, 2012

Five Senses Friday: Trois

Content. The long weekend is underway, and I am spending it recooperating and nesting. My apartment is clean, my garbage taken out, and all my missed readings caught up on. While other people will go home to their families, I'm cuddled with She Ra and looking forward to watching a rugby game with the incomparable Heather. I got myself to the gym today. I went grocery shopping. I had a glass of wine at lunch and a dirty martini with dinner. It has been a fabulous start to a promising weekend. 

brownies that I fully intend on giving away. I just wanted to bake them, eat two, and be the generous brownie gifting stranger.

Macklemore. I downloaded his album Language of My World, and I'm in love. As you know.

I had a fabulous array of food today, courtesy of a much needed Costco trip. I enjoyed falafal with hummus for dinner, brownies for dessert, and the indulgent dirty vodka martini. I do, however, need to purchase myself a shaker and actual martini glasses - this stirred-martini-in-a-juice-glass nonsense will do the trick for now, but I DEMAND THE BEST.
I had not anticipated that a google image search of "dirty martini" would result in quite so many pictures of strippers.

This amazing video, courtesy of The Spartan Warrior. What a great message. It really spoke to a number of adventures I'm in the beginnings of in my life.

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