Friday, June 1, 2012

Five Favourite Things Friday!

Because alliteration is fun. And because I kept thinking this week, "man, people need to know about this." AND, it serves as an excellent exercise to look at your life and decide some things about it that are awesome. Some things are mundane and most likely specific idiosyncracies of mine, while others are actual "gettin' the word out" examples of the general excellence circulating society these days.

And we begin with...

one: making my bed

Ok, I am braced to be utterly alone on this. I feel like it's a lost art. When ever I used to strive to clean my house or apartment, it was because someone was going to see it. And more often than not, that would not include the expectation that anyone would be seeing my bed. Right? However, after I moved into a couple of bachelor apartments, where all was visible, I conformed to the external expectations of cleanliness and made my damn bed if I thought people were coming over. And then I just started doing it. And now I love it. My room is tucked away in the least accesible corner of my parents' house - no one will see it but me. Ever. Seriously. But isn't there just something really awesome about crawling into a bed that has been neatly made at the end of the day? You don't have to scrounge at the foot of the bed for your top sheet, and your duvet is all fluffed. In fact, in my internet searching, I found that this was high on the list for the Happiness Project, an endeavour started by author Gretchen Rubin to make small changes in your daily life to make yourself happier. So I'm not alone!

dos: Game of Thrones

The book! This is one of the qualities that I suspect will land me amongst the outliers of weird fantasy-oriented nerds who covet all things Lord of the Rings to most people, but haters, step off.
First of all, if you've bothered to watch the HBO drama, it is exceptionally well done. The plot is less concerned with dragons and witches - though they're certainly there - than it is with the complications of political battles, honour, and pride. Peter Dinklage, who plays the "Imp" Tyrion Lannister, has said in an interview; "I think it's more reality-based than fantasy, personally. And maybe I'm a little bit biased because I sometimes see people of my size, how they're represented in fantasy, they're comical." The themes are universal. And the book actually has me avidly reading before bed. I will head off to bed early so that I can get through a chapter. If you haven't seen the show or picked up the book, you really ought to; if nothing else, it will be a marker of your pop-cultural awareness.

three: Wolf Gang

I have recently, courtesy of my friend Kirsten, been exposing myself to way more music than I used to. Hence Coachella. And at Coachella, the first band we saw - 11 am on the Friday - was Wolf Gang. And their performance may have actually been one of my favourites. It is certainly the band that I have carried with me most since returning from sunny Cali.

f-f-four: healthy omelettes

When I go on a health kick, omelettes are my immediate go to. It is so easy to get yourself a ton of veg and make it taste fucking amazing. And, if done properly (in my humble opinion, of course) you can even have the outside a little crispy, eliminating the desire for some toast on the side. They have become an inextricable part of my morning routine. Today's went awry - just because I was going to take a picture of it, I'm sure - so it was a flat omelette. But, seriously, bask in its glory

I use one whole egg and then a 1/4 cup of egg white, and then I shredded zuchinni (and normally chiffonaded spinach, though I was out this morning). While I am prepping that, there is onion sauteeing away. Once it's soft, I add asparagus, and today I went with some broccoli, a sprinkle of bacon, and a bit of shredded chicken. After letting that cook up a bit, I set it aside in a bowl, add my egg base, sprinkly it with smoked parpika, salt and coarse cracked pepper. I like to add my filling before the egg has cooked all the way through, so it gets incorporated. I polished it off with some low fat cottage cheese. Seriously - try it. It adds that much more lean protein, and the savoury sensation you expect from cheese without being pure fat.

And, appropriately last, as it tends to be how I end my day...

FIVE: Dreaming Tree Crush

A year ago, a favourite wine wouldn't be found anywhere on my blog. I have enjoyed wine for a long time. I was considered my rugby team's resident wino in my first year. But a discerning palate, and experimenting with various wines didn't happen. Now I have a glass (or two) almost every night after work. And when I finally abandoned the stricter rules of the 17 Day Diet, it was to have a glass of wine. And it turned out to be this wine, Dreaming Tree Crush. And it was totally worth it. I picked it up because I liked the label. And I've bought a couple bottles since (can you spot one?).
Described as a North Coast Red, this wine, it turns out, is the result of a collaboration between winemaker Steve Reeder and none other than Dave Mathews. And it's brilliant. Very drinkable, full-bodied and smooth; the bottle reads that it "pulls you in with notes of smoky berry and a pop of raspberry jam." Raspberry jam?? Damn. So good. And a whopping 16.00$. I would love to open a bottle right now, but that would confirm suspicions that I have acquired a drinking problem while living in Calgary.

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