Friday, September 28, 2012

Five Senses Friday, round II

Excited - I made the last minute discovery that tonight is Hip Hop Karaoke Toronto, AND that it's a competition. I haven't had the pleasure of going to an HHK show since I performed in one in MTL, so needless to say, I can't fucking wait.
Autumn. My window is open letting some fresh air circulate through my inexplicably humid apartment. It's still crisp and fresh out, and I love it.
I took a break from my morning hip hop routine (post work out I'm so wired that nothing seems more appropriate than Wu Tang) to remind myself of the Staves. I saw these girls open for Bon Iver and I absolutely love them. They are such exceptional vocalists. Give 'em a listen

Coffee with a generous splash of rice milk. I tend to drink my coffee black, but I had a dream I drank a sweet and creamy coffee, and on the way back from the gym it was all I wanted. Success.

an apartment that desperately needs to be cleaned.

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