Monday, September 17, 2012

So, I'm in Law School

And I feel like that's an excuse for not blogging. Though, generally speaking, "excuse" is kind of a pejorative. But, in this case, maybe not. It's pretty valid that law school is a bit of an overwhelming commitment. Take, for instance, the workload I have tonight:

35 pages of Torts
450 words left on an Ethical Lawyering paper
30 pages of State & Citizen reading
2 case excerpts for Legal Process

The validity of my excuse is, however, null and void in light of the reality that while vaguely attempting these things, I also;

sauteed onions I didn't eat
read while in downward facing dog
researched the history of cat mayors
had a bath
danced to the longest Avicii song I could find

I'll try not to ever leave you again over such paltry excuses...

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