Friday, January 11, 2013

Five Senses Friday IV

the inside of a very dry mouth. Mump-related swelling is down, but I'm still not salivating. Charming, right? If I don't constantly drink water, my tongue feels like tack and my get that white film on my parched lips. I have to pee all the time.

Stew. Even though I'm not hungry, it's still one of the most comforting smells.

Firefly. My family got addicted. It's good, but I refuse to throw myself into something so futile as a one-season show. My brother just said "Nothing like getting cock blocked by a preacher." Quality family time.

Ok. I know I said I wasn't hungry, but when I saw my brother mow down some peanut butter toast I couldn't not have a slice myself. I don't let myself buy bread or peanut butter, so I had to.
Bed time. Stat.

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